
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to eat donuts and still lose weight

That statement should have gotten everyone’s attention. But what does flexible dieting mean? OK, the donut part was more of a hook to get you to read the following. As we all now, dieters are failing by the millions, due to a number of reasons , the biggest one being a lack of  will power . Some of them are so motivated that they don’t stray from their diet for weeks, counting  every calorie , eating at the perfect time and then….they implode. Due to stress or worries they fall off the wagon completely and stay off it. This is where flexible dieting comes in; you need to allow yourself to live. If you are on a mild caloric deficit (400 calories per day or less), schedule a cheat meal once a week, so you can go to dinner with friends without worrying. I would give myself a 4-hour window for this and eat a side of fries or a dessert to your liking. Athletes who run a more severe deficit and have a competent coach need to have a 2-3 day re-feed every week, combined with a  heavy weight